Four Tips for Reducing Measurement Errors of Rotational Viscometers

  1. The performance indicators must meet the requirements of the National Metrology Verification Regulations. The instruments in use should be verified periodically, and if necessary, intermediate self-examination should be carried out to ensure that their measurement performance is qualified and the coefficient error is within the allowable range, otherwise accurate data cannot be obtained.
  2. The temperature of the liquid to be measured. Experiments have proved that when the temperature deviation is 0.5°C, the deviation of the viscosity value of some liquids exceeds 5%. The temperature deviation has a great influence on the viscosity, and the temperature rises and the viscosity decreases. Therefore, special attention should be paid to keep the temperature of the liquid to be measured constant near the specified temperature point, and the measurement should not exceed 0.1°C.
  3. The selection of the outer cylinder. For the rotational viscometer, please read the instructions carefully. Different rotors match different outer cylinders, otherwise the measurement results will deviate greatly. For a single-cylinder rotary viscometer, in principle, the outer cylinder radius is required to be infinite, and the actual measurement requires that the inner diameter of the outer cylinder, that is, the measuring container, is not less than a certain size. Experiments have proved that, especially when the No. 1 rotor is used, if the inner diameter of the container is too small, it will cause a large measurement error.
  4. Correctly select the rotor or adjust the speed so that the displayed value is between 20 and 90 divisions. This type of instrument adopts dial plus pointer to read, and its stability and reading deviation are combined to have 0.5 divisions. If the reading is too small, such as around 5 divisions, the relative error caused is more than 10%. If you choose a suitable rotor or speed to use If the reading is in 50 divisions, then the relative error can be reduced to 1%. If the indication value is above 90 grids, the torque generated by the hairspring will be too large, which will easily cause creep and damage the hairspring, so the rotor and speed must be correctly selected.

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